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The Culture Club: Change

The Culture Club

Musings on arts, culture and more in Flagstaff, Arizona - from the staff of Flagstaff Cultural Partners

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


You know those people. The "regulars." They come into a restaurant at the same time on the same day of the week and sit at the same table and order the same meal from the same waiter. I'd bet they even have a regulated meal plan at home. Breakfast: sugared grapefruit (or maybe a honeycrisp apple if they're in season) and vanilla yogurt; Lunch: spring mix and spinach with strawberries, avocado, feta, and candied walnuts; Dinner: baked chicken, broccoli, brown rice or maybe quinoa. I'd bet they sleep on the same side of the bed and wake up at the exact same time every morning and always, always put their left shoe on and then the right and read the last page of the book before the first. I know I'd win that bet because I'm one of them.

My name's Whitney, and I'm afraid of change.

It's been one year, three months, and eleven days since the biggest change of my life. For exactly one month (May 15-June 15 to be more precise) I lived in stability limbo-post grad and jobless. Just being straight with you here- I hated every second of it. It was so stressful and chaotic and ughhh.

Don't get me wrong. I like the idea of change. Seasons of life. Growth. Maturity. All those pretty ideas. But change is scary to me. Like, big time scary.

And right now, things are changing in the Flagstaff Cultural Partners office.

So. Much. Change.

It's freaking me out. But even more than that, it's so, so, so exciting. Grant awards, new artist in residency programming, a potential arts incubator, and the funnest part (for me)- all the new faces to FCP. Over the next few weeks, I'll introduce you to the beautiful people that make this organization tick.

If they don't change before then, that is.


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